How to Prepare for Meeting a Probate Attorney

How to Prepare for Meeting a Probate AttorneyHow to Prepare for Meeting a Probate Attorney

Probate law is something you don’t want to navigate by yourself.

So, perhaps you’re looking to locate a probate lawyer. However, before setting up the meeting you should take a few steps to prepare yourself.

You need the right documents and you need the right information. This can be a very thorough matter that involves lots of individuals. Accounting for all of the assets, debts, and beneficiaries might take more time than you think. Having a good attorney on your side is only going to help you move things along easier. Nonetheless, keep reading before you have to have any meetings.

MN Probate Law | Know What to Ask

Lawyers aren’t monsters. While talking to one about probate law may appear daunting, don’t let it be a daunting task.

You’ll probably run into, in fact, two different kinds of lawyers. There are lawyers who don’t know about your family situation and those who have been there most of the way and know what’s going on. If they don’t know about the family situation, you’ll need to figure out what information they need. However, even if they do know what’s going on with your family, they might still need a few details. Find out what they know and fill in the blanks.

On the flip side, asking the wrong questions and relaying the wrong information can hinder your case. No one wants to be left in the dark. If this lawyer has worked with your family before, they probably have a good idea on what’s inside the will. They may have even worked with the deceased to avoid probate as much as possible. For best results, ask any questions you deem necessary.

MN Probate Law | All the Paperwork

Probate isn’t playing the lottery where you can scratch off tickets and cash them out. There’s paperwork that you’re going to need. Consider the whole process to be put on hold until that paperwork is acquired. Though you might be able to do some preliminary discussions, seek that paperwork as King Arthur would seek the Holy Grail. If you’re unsure about what paperwork you need, you could probably bring that up during a free consultation with your lawyer.

Probably two of the most essential pieces are the will and the death certificate. The whole process of probate normally starts when the deceased becomes the deceased. Moreover, without a will, the whole probate process, more or less, falls to the will of the court.

These two pieces of paperwork help get the probate process into motion. Without these, you may need to wait or the court will probably have to figure out the next steps. As a word of warning, always anticipate that there might be more paperwork to find, consult your lawyer about what other documents there might be, and be prepared for finding more than one will.

MN Probate Law | A List of Relations

If you know someone’s in the will, write down their information. Make a list of everyone you know is in the will. Otherwise, if you’re unsure whether or not they’re in the will, jot them down in advance. Names without matching information should be tracked down. Start by asking family members and prepare to go out on a limb to find individuals who are beneficiaries.

Every beneficiary must be accounted for. Consider the possibility of the probate process taking longer because someone turned up missing. And even if they’re legally dead, you probably have to prove that they’ve truly passed on.

Myths about crossing the Bermuda Triangle probably won’t hold water in court to account for the missing persons. Yes, this may mean more paperwork, but it’s probably best to get everything aligned before you meet with your probate lawyer. Knowing how many people and where they live will give the lawyer a better idea.

MN Probate Law | Assets and Debts

Leave no stone unturned when it comes to getting information. This is especially true when it comes to information pertaining to the deceased’s assets and debts. The whole probate process is aimed at dealing with these. If the deceased set things up right, there might be barely anything that needs to go through probate. By having as much information as possible, the lawyer might be able to guess what’s all involved.

Moreover, if the lawyer worked hand-in-hand with the deceased, they might even have a surprise or two up their sleeve. Perhaps they know which assets can slip right past probate. That, however, doesn’t leave room for you to slack off from doing your homework. It could have been years since the lawyer and the deceased last spoke, much less updating the will. Debts could have been accumulated and there might be newly acquired assets. Finding out that there are more assets and debts than originally anticipated may significantly slow things down.

Once Prepared, Call a Minnesota Probate Lawyer

Once you’re all set, you should work on contacting the probate lawyer. Set up your free consultation with the law firm of Flanders Law Firm LLC. They’re ready to work out all of the assets and debts.

Dial 612-424-0398 to get everything moving forward. Whether you’re unsure about the beneficiaries or you’re still trying to get everything in order, you can still call. A lawyer will be ready to help you at every stage of the probate process.