Guardianship Duties in Minnesota

Guardianship Duties in Min

Taking care of another human being is one thing while dealing with all the legal aspects of becoming their Minnesota guardian is another thing entirely.

Guardianship law is relatively straightforward in concept when discussing the duties of a guardian. So, to help you get a better grasp on what kind of responsibilities you might be taking on soon enough, this article will show you just what you might be getting into. To make one thing clear, becoming a guardian is more than simply taking care of someone on the medical level. It’s a huge commitment, both in terms of time and effort, which might cause you to make serious decisions for their better or worse.

Minnesota Guardianship | Held Accountable

Just because a court allowed you to become a guardian doesn’t make you or allow you to act above the law. If anything, the court will hold you accountable for the physical wellbeing of your ward’s physical care. Basic essentials like food, shelter, and their clothing are now your responsibility. In short, if it might affect how the ward is fairing, you might be the one who’s held accountable.

The goal of a good guardian is selfless living. At least, when it comes to caring for their ward. Just as a refresher, the situation that you’re in is because the ward is incapacitated to such an extent that they need someone like you to care for them. What that means will change for every case. As far as you should be concerned, you’re about to become their babysitter until they’re well enough to function outside of you.

Doctors Need You

In guardianship cases that deal with any medical concerns, the doctors might be contacting you directly. You’re not there just to feed and clothe your ward or see that they have a roof over their noggin. The thing about our medical system is that it’s complex, and there might be times when you need to answer questions concerning your ward’s health that are just as complex as the system itself. Your whole role might have come into place because your ward failed to grant someone durable medical power of attorney. It’s very possible that they were thinking about granting durable power of attorney and simply failed to carry out their plans in time.

This isn’t always talked about, but guardians and conservators are usually called in when durable power of attorney hasn’t been granted to someone. The result is that the ward becomes unable to take care of their property in the case of a conservator and/or their own wellbeing in the case of a guardian. Not everyone wants, can, or has the time to grant power of attorney. In their mind, they may have thought that having a conservator or guardian was just fine. You might be there to prove them right.

Contact with The Outside World

Presuming that your ward can still communicate, you might be the person that helps them maintain contact with the outside world. Helping them connect with other human beings might become your duty. That isn’t to say that you should open a social media account for them and provide updates of every waking moment. You’re supposed to use sound judgement and help keep loved ones connected. Friends and family may wonder about what’s going on.

And you’re not just there to break the radio silence. Physical visitations may happen on a regular occurrence or once in a blue moon. You may even want to be there when they happen, ensuring that nothing goes wrong for your ward. Family is family, but you’re now legally obligated as the guardian to try and prevent anything bad from affecting your ward. Be wise of who you let in the front door.

Minnesota Guardianship Report to the Court

The paperwork doesn’t end once you become a guardian. Rather, filing what is known as a Guardian Report will become a yearly thing for you once you’re a guardian. So, if you’re looking to go through with this, you’ll have to get used to filing a report about your ward and discuss what things have changed. It should, more or less, mention anything that might relate to how the ward is living and if that affects their living conditions.

Honesty is the best policy. However, keep in mind that whatever you submit in these reports may be used against you. Probate courts can be turned against you if they’ve gotten a complaint involving neglect abuse. Again, selfless living is the central part of a guardian’s role. The ward must be properly cared for. Never forget that that’s your top priority as their guardian.

Guardianship Lawyers in MN

Not everyone is meant to be a guardian and that’s okay. But for those who want to take further steps to caring for a potential ward, the journey doesn’t need to be a hard path. Help with guardianship law is a specialty at the law firm of Flanders Law Firm LLC.  Yes, this will mean added responsibility for you, but if you’re willing to pour out your heart by caring for someone who needs it, your effort will be worth the while.

You can get in contact with the firm at 612-424-0398, and they can teach you the ropes of what the process will involve.




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